Friday, October 13, 2006

IntraPersonal Communication: Office Politics in the CLASSroom

I believe that every semester on whatever day that Friday the 13th falls upon, I start to re-evaluate my role as an aca/pandemic in the classroom. I start to scrutinize my place in the student/teacher/student trifecta and bemusedly question pretty much everything that goes along with it, but mainly I analyze. I like to look at the student/ teacher relationship, because, it is, for most of us, is a sub/stantial part of our lives

Should I have tried harder these past few months?
Does it matter if my teacher actually likes me?
Does it matter if I actually like my teacher?
Am I an ignorant person ?
Am I doing well in the class based on any of these questions or their not-so-forthcoming answers?

I remember school as something..dare I, until I started attending. My older brothers climbed on and off bus number 7 five days a week. My mom bought them new shoes, and pencils, and crayons, and plastic boxes in which to place those crayons.
Then I went to school and learned that the bus was possibly the worst thing to ever enter my life. Large. Yellow. Rank. Unnerving.
The bus took me to a place that was just as large, yellow, rank and unnerving.
If I were to go out on a limb and actually write that this has been the standard for the whole of my education, would that limb hold me?
This has been every classroom, every assignment, almost every teacher, every hallway for the duration of my academic career. Granted, there are those students who have experiences that are quite nice---those wonderful academic careers full of dandelion wine-- those classes in the shade.
But not always.
So, if I know the abject horror I feel toward most classes, how can my personal teaching pedagogy hold my students to higher standards?
Should I assume that every student is academically prepared for every class and for every assignment?
Should I raise an eyebrow at every seemingly ludicrous question?
Or should I just answer the question and let it go?

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